Hill Stations in Gorakhpur

Nestled in the lap of nature, Gorakhpur, known for its historical and cultural significance, serves as a gateway to some of the most enchanting hill stations in the region. Let’s explore the serene hill stations near Gorakhpur, each offering a distinctive blend of tranquility, natural beauty, and cultural charm.

1: Kushinagar – Beyond Spiritual Sanctity

Tryst with Buddhism:

  • While primarily renowned for its Buddhist pilgrimage sites, Kushinagar, located about 50 kilometers from Gorakhpur, surprises travelers with its serene landscapes.
  1. Ramabhar Stupa: Begin your journey in Kushinagar with the Ramabhar Stupa, a massive structure marking the cremation site of Lord Buddha. The tranquil surroundings and the towering stupa create a serene atmosphere.
  2. Meditation Park: Explore the Meditation Park, a peaceful haven with lush greenery and meditation zones. The park offers a tranquil escape and a chance to connect with nature.

2: Ayodhya – The Mythical Hill Station

Historical Panorama:

  • Ayodhya, with its mythological significance, is not a conventional hill station but is elevated in its spiritual and historical charm.
  1. Ram Janmabhoomi: Visit the revered Ram Janmabhoomi, believed to be the birthplace of Lord Rama. The complex is a blend of spiritual energy and architectural grandeur.
  2. Kanak Bhavan: Explore Kanak Bhavan, an intricately designed palace dedicated to Goddess Sita. The ancient architecture and the panoramic views of Ayodhya make it a captivating experience.

3: Lumbini – Across Borders to Tranquility

International Retreat:

  • Cross the border into Nepal to discover Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha, located approximately 175 kilometers from Gorakhpur.
  1. Mayadevi Temple: Visit the Mayadevi Temple, where Lord Buddha is believed to have been born. The sacred garden surrounding the temple and the ancient ruins create an atmosphere of tranquility.
  2. World Peace Pagoda: Explore the World Peace Pagoda, a symbol of peace and unity. The pagoda offers panoramic views of Lumbini and serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of cultures and beliefs.

4: Pokhara – Nepal’s Gem at Proximity

Himalayan Retreat:

  • Venture a bit further into Nepal to reach Pokhara, a picturesque hill station nestled in the lap of the Himalayas, approximately 325 kilometers from Gorakhpur.
  1. Phewa Lake: Indulge in the serenity of Phewa Lake, surrounded by the Annapurna Range. Boating on the tranquil lake and witnessing the reflection of the mountains is a mesmerizing experience.
  2. Sarangkot: Wake up early to catch the sunrise at Sarangkot. The panoramic view of the Himalayas bathed in golden hues is a breathtaking spectacle.

5: Deoria Tal – Hidden Gem in the Garhwal Himalayas

Nature’s Amphitheater:

  • Closer to home, Deoria Tal is a hidden gem nestled in the Garhwal Himalayas, approximately 214 kilometers from Gorakhpur.
  1. Trekking Delight: Embark on a trek to Deoria Tal, a pristine lake surrounded by lush green meadows. The trek is moderate, making it accessible to both novice and experienced trekkers.
  2. Reflections of Chaukhamba: Marvel at the reflections of Chaukhamba, one of the majestic peaks of the Garhwal Himalayas, mirrored in the crystal-clear waters of Deoria Tal.

6: Dudhwa National Park – Wildlife in the Wilderness

Wildlife Haven:

  • For nature enthusiasts, Dudhwa National Park, located about 220 kilometers from Gorakhpur, offers a unique blend of wildlife and natural beauty.
  1. Jeep Safari: Embark on a jeep safari through Dudhwa National Park, known for its diverse flora and fauna. Spot endangered species like the Indian rhinoceros, Bengal tiger, and various species of deer.
  2. Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary: Extend your wildlife adventure to Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, adjoining Dudhwa. The sanctuary is home to a rich avian population, including the elusive fishing cat.

7: Nanda Devi National Park – Himalayan Wonderland

Alpine Fantasy:

  • Nanda Devi National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a Himalayan wonderland situated around 400 kilometers from Gorakhpur.
  1. Valley of Flowers: Explore the Valley of Flowers within Nanda Devi National Park, a vibrant meadow adorned with a riot of colorful alpine flowers. The trek to the valley is a journey through a botanical paradise.
  2. Rishi Ganga: Immerse yourself in the pristine beauty of Rishi Ganga, a glacial river originating from the Nanda Devi Peak. The river adds to the scenic allure of the national park.

Tips for Budget-Friendly Exploration

Thrifty Trails:

  1. Local Transport: Opt for local transportation options, such as buses and shared taxis, to minimize travel expenses.
  2. Budget Accommodations: Explore budget-friendly accommodations in the vicinity of each hill station. Guesthouses and budget hotels offer comfortable stays without spending much from your pocket.


The hill stations near Gorakhpur offer a diverse range of experiences, from spiritual journeys to serene lakes, lush forests, and Himalayan vistas. Whether you seek adventure or wish to unwind in nature’s embrace, these destinations are a perfect escape from the bustling city life of Gorakhpur. So, pack your bags, embark on this enchanting journey, and let the tranquility of these hill stations rejuvenate your spirit.